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Internal quality assurance initiatives Policies related to Osaka Sangyo University 's education and research activities

Internal Quality Assurance Policy

[1] Basic principles of internal quality assurance

In order to realize its philosophy and objectives, Osaka Sangyo University will constantly and continuously inspect and evaluate the status of its education and research activities, and will strive to maintain and improve the quality of its education and research through improvements and reforms based on the results.
Additionally, the results of inspections and evaluations, as well as the results of improvements and reforms, will be made public to all stakeholders, including students, thereby fulfilling the university's responsibility to provide accountability.

[2] Organizational structure

  1. A university-wide organization responsible for promoting internal quality assurance
    The university-wide organization responsible for promoting internal quality assurance at the University is the Internal Quality Assurance Promotion Committee. The Internal Quality Assurance Promotion Committee promotes internal quality assurance by managing and supporting the proper functioning of the PDCA cycle at the university-wide, individual organization, and individual member levels.
  2. Self-inspection and evaluation organization
    The Self-Inspection and Evaluation Committee has been established as the organization that oversees the implementation of self-inspection and evaluation. In addition, under the Self-Inspection and Evaluation Committee, the following subcommittees have been established: Internal Quality Assurance, Academic Affairs, Education and Research Environment, Student Acceptance, Student Support, Social Cooperation, and University Management and Finance Department. Each subcommittee performs inspection and evaluation of its respective areas of responsibility from a university-wide perspective under the direction of the Self-Inspection and Evaluation Committee.
  3. Each faculty and graduate school
    The deans of each faculty and graduate school participate as members of the Internal Quality Assurance Promotion Committee and develop their faculty and graduate school education and research activities based on the university-wide policies and plans discussed there.
  4. Various Committees
    Officials in academic administrative organizations participate as members of the Internal Quality Assurance Promotion Committee, and based on the university-wide policies and plans discussed there, they formulate policies in the various committees they chair and report to the President.

[3] Guidelines for planning, designing, implementing, verifying, and improving education

  1. Curriculum
    Each department and major is responsible for formulating the curriculum, with due consideration given to its systematic and sequential nature. In order to support the systematic formulation of the curriculum by each department and major, the Internal Quality Assurance Promotion Committee will utilize its subordinate organization, the Curriculum Committee, to conduct regular curriculum reviews and make any necessary recommendations based on the results of those reviews.
  2. Systems and methods for ensuring the quality of education
    Specific measures related to education-related systems and methods are formulated by the Educational Planning Subcommittee, which is established under the Internal Quality Assurance Promotion Committee. The formulated measures are then deliberated and adjusted by the Internal Quality Assurance Promotion Committee, and after further consultation with the Faculty Council, are approved by the President. The Internal Quality Assurance Promotion Committee periodically reviews and improves the appropriateness of the approved measures.

Desired profile of faculty and policy regarding organization of faculty

[Desired teacher ideal]
In order to realize our philosophy and objectives, our university seeks individuals who possess the following abilities:

  1. Education
    Those who understand the diploma policy and curriculum policy, and are enthusiastic about providing appropriate education to students of the university. Also, those who are always willing to improve and develop their own educational content and methods.
  2. Research area
    Applicants must be enthusiastic about their research field and area, and have the determination to continue to deepen their expertise. In addition, applicants must have a high level of awareness of research ethics and compliance and be able to abide by the University's regulations regarding research ethics.
  3. Academic Affairs
    A person who is aware of his/her position and role in not only educational and research activities but also in various committees and departments, and who is able to cooperate with other faculty and staff members in university administration.
  4. Social Contribution (Collaboration) Area
    Those who are able to give back the results of their education and research to the local community and society, and contribute to the revitalization and development of the local community.

[Faculty Organization Policy]
In order to realize our philosophy and objectives, we will organize our faculty with the following points in mind:

  1. An appropriate number of faculty members will be allocated in accordance with the standards for establishing universities and Osaka Sangyo University Graduate School.
  2. We will take into consideration the ST ratio, age composition, etc. to ensure a balanced faculty organization.
  3. The recruitment, hiring, and promotion of faculty members will be carried out appropriately and in accordance with all applicable regulations.
  4. In order to improve the qualifications of each and every faculty member, we will carry out systematic faculty development activities and work systematically to improve education.

Student Support Policy

Osaka Sangyo University University provides support for academics, student life, and career paths so that each and every student can have a vision for the future, engage in fulfilling studies and other activities, and enter society with important knowledge and ethics that are cultivated as members of society based on the university's founding spirit of "Be great ordinary people."

1. Academic support
  1. Provide study consultation and guidance according to students' learning situation, and strive to increase students' motivation to study.
  2. We will strive to publicize financial support systems such as various scholarships and short-term loans so that all students can concentrate on their studies with peace of mind.
  3. We will strengthen cooperation between related departments to ensure that we are able to provide the best possible support for each student, by keeping a close eye on the situations of students with poor grades, those repeating a year, those taking a leave of absence, and those wishing to drop out.
  4. Provide appropriate academic support to students with disabilities through reasonable accommodation.
2. Student Life Support
  1. In order to prevent various types of harassment in student life, we will maintain and strengthen our consultation system and actively engage in awareness-raising activities.
  2. To ensure that students can live healthy lives both physically and mentally, we provide support to students through Student Counseling Center and Health Service Center.
3. Career support
  1. We will strive to provide students with opportunities to choose their career paths through appropriate career guidance, job introductions, and the promotion of internships.
  2. We will provide employment support integrated with support for obtaining qualifications.
  3. Strengthen job-hunting support for international students.

Policy for supporting students with disabilities

Osaka Sangyo University University has established the following basic policy in accordance with the Act on Promotion of Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities in order to promote the elimination of discriminatory treatment of students with disabilities and to provide university-wide support for their student life.

  1. Ensuring opportunities
    We strive to ensure that students with disabilities can receive an education on an equal footing with other students by providing them with access to educational opportunities and by improving the content and methods of support.
  2. Facilities of Hotel Continental
    We strive to improve the educational environment so that students with disabilities can live their student life safely and smoothly.
  3. Support System
    We respect the needs and wishes of students who wish to receive support, and in consultation with faculties, departments, and related divisions, we will provide the support necessary for students to continue their studies.
  4. Educational methods, etc.
    We will support participation in classes by providing information about university life and facilitating communication during class, etc., and will make necessary and reasonable accommodations for examinations, while taking care not to compromise fairness in grading.
  5. Promoting understanding of disabilities
    We strive to promote understanding of disability support so that other students and faculty and staff can deepen their understanding of various disabilities and provide more appropriate support.
  6. Protection of personal information and confidentiality
    We will strictly manage any student information that we learn in the course of providing support, and if it is necessary to disclose or provide personal information to a third party, we will obtain the individual's consent.
  7. Information Disclosure
    We will disclose information about the support system and content of support for students with disabilities.

Policy regarding the educational and research environment

Osaka Sangyo University has established the following policy regarding the environment for education and research in order to protect the safety and health of students and to enable students to fully study and faculty to fully carry out their educational and research activities.

1. Development of facilities and equipment
  1. We will carry out planned campus development that prioritizes the safety, health, and convenience of students.
  2. We will continue to develop the campus so that it will be actively used not only by students and faculty and staff, but also by local residents.
2. Development of the information and communications environment
  1. We will continue to improve the information and communications environment so that students' learning and faculty education and research activities can be carried out more smoothly and effectively.
  2. We will strengthen information security in order to provide a safe, secure and comfortable environment for the information infrastructure used by students and faculty and staff.
  3. We will continue to work towards establishing information ethics among students and faculty members.
3. Library development
  1. In order to support students' learning and faculty's educational and research activities, we will systematically organize academic information resources such as books and academic journals.
  2. We will improve the library environment by considering the number of seats, opening days, opening hours, etc., so that students can study comfortably.
  3. We will develop a network with other libraries and academic content provided by the National Institute of Informatics, and provide mutual academic information.
  4. We will assign staff with the specialized knowledge to provide appropriate academic information services to students.
4. Establishing a research environment
  1. In order to support the research activities of faculty members, we will provide appropriate research funds and improve the research environment.
  2. We will establish an internal review body for research ethics and ensure thorough compliance with research ethics.

Osaka Sangyo University Social Cooperation Policy

Osaka Sangyo University is committed to engaging in social collaboration activities as a way of giving back to society in order to fulfill its role as a hub for the creation of knowledge and its mission of contributing to society.
Through the promotion of social collaboration activities, we strive to create, protect, and utilize intellectual property, engage in community collaboration activities, and strive to develop human resources who can contribute to the development of society based on our university's founding spirit of "Be great ordinary people."
In order to achieve these missions, our university has established the following social collaboration policy.

  1. Collaboration with industry
    We will actively promote collaborative research, such as joint research and commissioned research with society, regardless of the research field. We will give back to society the results of our research (intellectual property) by actively transferring the technology to industry.
  2. intellectual property
    Research results (intellectual property) created through social collaboration will be protected as intellectual property rights in order to be returned to society at large, and we will strive to disseminate and utilize them.
  3. Regional Development
    In order to promote local industry and culture, we will actively promote social collaboration with local business circles, national and local governments, etc., and strive to contribute to the local community.
  4. Human Resource Development
    Through education through social collaboration, we aim to develop human resources who can solve social and industrial problems and contribute to social development.
  5. Information Disclosure
    In order to promote the return of research results to society, we will disseminate information on technology seeds and patents, etc., and ensure transparency both inside and outside the university.
  6. Accountability
    All faculty and staff of our School Juridical Person Osaka Sangyo University Code of Ethics," "Osaka Sangyo University Conflict of Interest Management Regulations," "Research Policy," and other regulations, and will operate with clear accountability in organizational management and social collaboration activities.

University Management Policy

Osaka Sangyo University has established the following policies for university management in order to realize its philosophy, objectives, and medium- to long-term plans that envision the future of the university, and to fulfill its social mission as an educational institution.

  1. Under an educational governance system centered on the President, decision-making will be transparent, fair and prompt.
  2. Clarify the roles and authorities of the academic organization and the corporate organization, and ensure appropriate cooperation between the two.
  3. In order to carry out university operations smoothly and effectively, an appropriate administrative organization will be established and administrative staff will be assigned.
  4. Promote systematic staff development (SD) activities to improve the qualifications of teaching and administrative staff necessary for university management.
  5. The university will be managed appropriately through collaboration between teaching staff and administrative staff.

Grading Criteria Guidelines

Based on Osaka Sangyo University 's assessment policy established by the Academic Management Committee in March 2017, we have established unified guidelines for the "grading criteria" and the scale (rubrics) of evaluation items used in the grading criteria for all courses offered.

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