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Information Science Center PC Training Room

How to Use

User ID and password

User ID and password for using the PC in the PC seminar room

Your user ID is "s + student ID number (half-width alphanumeric characters, lowercase)". It is listed on the "Password Notification" distributed at the time of enrollment. Please keep the password notification in a safe place so as not to lose it.
Click here for a sample of the "Password Notification Letter"

Please be sure to change your password. After changing your password, only the person who changed it will be able to know it.
Change your password here

If you forget your initial password

Please obtain an "Initial Password Notification" (200 yen) from Papyrusmate (automatic certificate issuing machine).
Click here for a sample of the "Initial Password Notification"

*Papyrus Mate locations: In front of the Academic Affairs Division on the 1st floor of the Main Building, the Student Services Center on the East Campus, and the Umeda Satellite Campus

If you forget your changed password

Obtain an "Initial Password Notification" (200 yen) from Papyrusmate (automatic certificate issuing machine), and take the "Password Initialization Request" form at the bottom to Information Science Center to complete the initialization procedure.

User ID validity period

Your user ID can only be used during your enrollment period.

You will not be able to use it after graduation (withdrawal).

Free use of the PC seminar room (free access)

During non-class times, there are also seminar rooms that are open to the public, where students can freely use computers, printers, etc.
Seminar Room 0701 on the 7th floor of the main building is a seminar room for free use only, when classes are not being held.
You can check which PC labs are available by checking the "How to check the availability of PC labs" below.

PC seminar room availability

How to check the availability of PC training rooms

About Information Science Center staff (Information Officer)

Please feel free to ask the information staff if you have any questions about how to use the computers and printers in the PC lab.
*If there is no information officer in the PC lab, please contact Information Science Center on the 5th floor of the main building.


Printing restrictions

  • The limit on the number of printed pages is 500 pages per year. Printing on one side of a sheet of paper counts as one page, and printing on both sides of a sheet of paper counts as two pages.
  • If you exceed the limit, you will be charged (100 yen for every 20 pages), so please apply for continued printing at Information Science Center.
  • The print page count is reset at the beginning of the fiscal year. The remaining 500 pages per year and any additional pages added through continued printing procedures cannot be carried over to the following fiscal year.
  • You can check the number of pages you are using on the computers in the PC seminar room. Please be careful not to exceed the print limit while printing.
  • Printing paper size is A4 (black and white) only. Color printing is not available.
  • In one printing, you can print up to 50 pages for single-sided printing, or 100 pages for double-sided printing. If you want to exceed this limit, please specify an appropriate number of pages to print.

How to continue printing

  1. Fill out the necessary information on the application form for continued printing. The application form is available at Information Science Center. You can also download it. Application form for continued printing
  2. Attach a stamp for the amount of the application and submit it to Information Science Center. (You can purchase stamps from the stamp vending machine in the hall on the first floor of the main building or on the first floor of Building 18 on the East Campus.)

*Please note that it may take 2 to 3 days to set the number of copies to print.

Data storage

Please note that when you shut down or restart the computers in the PC lab, they will be initialized and any data stored on drives other than network drives or external storage devices will be erased.
Please save the created data on a network drive (N:) or a USB storage device.

How to save to a network drive (N:)

Please save it to the network drive (N:) in My Computer. You can save up to 500MB.
The network drive (N:) can be used from outside the campus (home) via Proself (Web file service).

How to save to an external storage device (USB memory, etc.)

When using an external storage device (such as a USB memory stick), insert it directly into the USB connector on the main unit.
In case you lose it, please write your student ID number and name on the front, or keep a file (such as a text file) with your student ID number and name on it.

lost item

It is common for students to forget to remove their USB memory sticks. Please make sure you have not left anything behind when you leave the building. Items lost in the PC lab should be handed in to Student Support Division (1st floor of the main building).

List of available devices and software

List of equipment and software

Rental of projectors and screens for PC seminar rooms


PC seminar room layout [on campus]

Usage guidelines and precautions

Guidelines for using the PC seminar room

The equipment in the PC lab is shared by students. Please observe the following prohibitions and precautions to ensure that all users can use the equipment comfortably. Violations may result in penalties.

Prohibited matter

Food & Drink

Eating and drinking are prohibited in the PC lab.
As an exception, beverages with fully closing lids will be permitted to be brought in, but please do not place them directly on the table or floor to protect the equipment.
When not using it for hydration, store it in a bag or plastic bag.
*Please follow the instructions at University General Library and departmental PC labs.

Calls, sound

Talking on mobile phones or smartphones is prohibited as it will disturb other users.
Please use your own earphones or headphones for audio output.

Loud private conversations and other unpleasant behavior

Please refrain from talking loudly and be quiet when using the facilities.

Notes on using the PC seminar room

Take good care of your equipment and paper

Please take good care of your computer, keyboard, mouse, printer, and other equipment.
Also, to be mindful of environmental issues and save costs, check the print image using "print preview" before printing to reduce misprints.

Be careful with wet umbrellas

For wet umbrellas, please use the umbrella stand or plastic umbrella bags near the entrance to the PC lab.
Please help preserve the equipment, including the underfloor wiring.

After use

Be sure to shut down (or log off) your computer after use.
If you leave your account logged in, someone else may impersonate you and misuse your account.
Please note that if we find a computer that is logged on but no one is using it, we will shut it down.
Also, please return the keyboard, mouse, chair, etc. to their original positions and keep the facility tidy so that the next user can use it comfortably.

Precautions when using a computer

Respecting copyright law

Copying software and exchanging files is a violation of copyright law and is punishable by law. Please do not engage in any illegal activities in the PC training room. Also, please do not copy any software on the computers in the PC training room.

Do not change the OS or application software environment settings

Please do not change the settings of the computers in the PC lab, such as by installing personal software.

Password Management

Passwords are personal secrets that may be misused if known.
Please manage your password responsibly and do not tell others or continue to use the initial password. You can easily change your password from the computers in the PC training room.

Precautions when using the Internet

Prohibition of pseudonyms and anonymity

Anonymous or pseudonymous communications or posts from within the campus may not be used.

Content of communication

Please do not communicate any content that libels or slanders others.

No commercial use

Prohibition on disclosing personal information that violates the privacy of others

Do not disclose unverified information


The computers in the PC lab are connected to the center's server via a network.
Computer usage, number of sheets of printing paper used, and other information are managed as log files, making it possible to identify the user in the event of unauthorized use.
If you do not follow the above precautions, if you cause significant damage or inconvenience to others, or if your network usage is deemed inappropriate, we may impose penalties such as suspension or prohibition of your use of the PC laboratory in accordance with university regulations.