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Information Science Center Gmail / Google service / University-issued email

To all students

You can start using it immediately by logging in. Please refer to the "How to use Gmail" section below to log in.

To all faculty and administrative staff

To use Gmail, you must apply. Please refer to the "Gmail Application Procedure for Faculty and Administrative Staff" below. Please read this before using the email service.

How to use Gmail (Google Workspace for Education Plus)

You can use it by entering your "Gmail address" and "password" from the Google web page, Gmail app, etc.

Student Gmail address format

ユーザ例:学籍番号が99A001の場合 →

First login password

The initial password listed in "① User ID and initial password" on the password notification

* Be sure to change your password the first time you log in. Be careful not to forget the new password.

Detailed explanation of how to use

How to register a phone number and email address for resetting your password and how to reset your password (initialization)

(Please be sure to do this) If you set a reset phone number or email address, you will be able to reset your password yourself if you forget it.

How to reset (initialize) your password if you have forgotten it

If you have forgotten your University Gmail (Google account) password, you can reset it in the following two ways.

  • Do it yourself (if you have registered for the reset procedure above)
    Please follow the steps in the manual (p.2).
  • Request Information Science Center (if you have not registered for resetting, or if this is not possible)
    (For students) After logging in to the portal system, please apply from “(13) Gmail Password Reset” in the “Various Links” menu on the left.
    After applying, your identity will be verified and your password will be reset to your initial password. Applications can be made from anywhere, on or off campus.
    *If you are unable to apply, please contact or visit Office of Information Science Center (5th floor, Main Building).
    (For faculty and staff) Please contact or visit Office of Information Science Center (5th floor, Main Building).

Regarding the period of use for University Gmail

継続手続きは、卒業?修了時の「校友会の会員登録」で行うことができます。 継続手続きを行わない場合は、大学Gmailは削除となります。
また削除後はデータを復旧することはできませんので、予めご了承ください。継続して利用できるのは大学 Gmail のみで、その他の Google サービス(Google ドライブなど)は継続利用できません。必要なデータは「卒業?修了後の学内サービスについて」を参照の上、ダウンロードしてください。


Use of Google services other than Gmail

Since the university-issued Gmail is a Google account, you can use various Google services other than Gmail. Here, we will introduce the main functions that are used in classes, etc.

  • GoogleMeet (video conferencing) It is possible to host video conferences. However, Enterprise features (recording, live streaming, etc.) are only available to faculty and some administrative staff. Please check the official Meet help site for instructions on how to use it.
  • Google Drive You can save, share, and collaborate on files and folders from your mobile device, tablet, or computer. Please see the official Google Drive help site for instructions on how to use it.

Google service usage capacity

In July 2022, Google announced that they would be setting limits on Google storage capacity for each organization. To prevent any issues with classes or work, the Google Drive capacity has been set as follows. (You can check the current capacity being used here.)

    • Faculty: 150GB
    • Staff: 100GB
    • Current students: 15GB
    • Clubs and organizations: 100GB
    • Graduates (Alumni Association) - 0GB
*If the limit is exceeded, you will not be able to upload to Google Drive (including Meet recordings), etc. You will also not be able to create new files in Google Docs, Spreadsheets, etc. Please delete any unnecessary files in Google Drive. (Please also empty the trash.) *Graduates (Alumni Association) can continue to use only University Gmail if they have completed the renewal procedure. Other Google services (Google Drive, etc.) will not be available. (See "Frequently Asked Questions" above.)

Gmail application procedure for faculty and administrative staff

University-issued email address (student second email address)

You can use this service by configuring sending/receiving settings in your email software, etc.

Email address format

ユーザ例:学籍番号が99A001の場合 →

First login password

Initial password (as stated in the password notification letter)

How to set up Thunderbird Portable


About creating emails

Input fields for creating email

address Please enter the recipient's email address.
Cc (copy) If you want to send the same email to someone other than the intended recipient, please enter that email address.
Bcc The destination email addresses entered in the To and Cc fields will be displayed in all received emails, but if you do not want the recipient to know that there are other recipients or their email addresses, enter those email addresses in the Bcc field. Email addresses entered in the Bcc field will not be displayed to the recipient.
Reply-To Reply-To When the recipient replies to the email you sent, it will be sent to the address specified in the reply-to field. Normally, you do not need to enter anything here, but if you want to change the reply-to field, enter it here.
Subject (Title) Enter the subject of your email.
Text Enter the body of the email.


  • Please write your name correctly.
  • State the requirements first. Keep the content concise and break it into appropriate lines for easy reading.
  • Please write politely. Please do not write anything that could be considered slanderous.
  • Keep the attachment small. If the attachment is large, the recipient may not be able to receive it.
  • Please do not use device-dependent characters or half-width katakana (from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications - Web Accessibility).